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About Food Technology

Department of Food Technology

Food Technology (Food Tech.) is the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing, and packaging of raw produce or the value-added, safe, nutritious, and wholesome food fit for distribution and consumption. Food Science is a discipline concerned with all the technical aspects of food, beginning with harvest or slaughtering or milking or catching, and ending with its processing and consumption. A higher level of processing in the Food Processing Sector helps in the reduction of wastage, improves value addition, ensures better returns to farmers, and promotes employment. This sector also addresses critical issues of food and nutritional security & food inflation and provides wholesome nutritious food to the masses.

About Department

Ch. Bansilal Government Polytechnic, Bhiwani started Department of Food Technology in year 2013 to develop Human Resources to meet the growing demand for skilled manpower in the food processing sector. Department of Food Technology offers three years Diploma in Food Technology awarded by Haryana State Board of Technical Education. The Department labs aim to train students in various technical and practical aspects of their course.
We work hard to create globally competitive manpower and we achieve this by the following many special qualities of our academic program:
Our curriculum is very well developed after careful discussions amongst peers at national and international levels.
We have a good combination of theoretical and hands-on training in the curriculum.
Our laboratory facilities are of national standards.
Our teaching staffs have wide national/international exposure and contacts.
On the other hand, our students are sent to reputed national institutions around the country for exposure visits, internships, and short-term training. These exposures help to create globally competitive manpower.

Lab Facilities

 Food Analysis and Quality Control Lab
 Basic Microbiology Lab
 Food processing and Preservation Lab

Career Prospects

Food Technology professionals, after their diploma, are qualified to be entrepreneurs and to man various positions of responsibility in Food Processing Industries as Supervisors, Production Executive, Food Packaging Executives, Quality Control Officers, Food Safety Auditors, Food Stylists, Marketing / Sales to name a few. Our students also go for higher education in various national and international educational institutes.

Course Fee and Scholarship

Course fees are very minimal and all types of scholarships are awarded to the students as per State and Central Government Regulations.